The most obvious difference to single player being that the US and the KPA suits are now, apart from visual differences, identical to each other. If there is a time limit, the least damaged side wins, otherwise it is a draw.įor balance issues, Crytek had to change the capabilities of the nanosuit for multiplayer. Once a base has been shot by two WMDs, the game is won to the side that just destroyed the base. Once someone has purchased a Weapon of mass destruction (TAC gun, TAC tank, or Singularity tank), everyone is alerted to the fact by a nuclear symbol rather unsubtly flashing on the screen and a massive symbol (blue if they are on your side, red if they are the enemies) hovering over the nuker's head, whether they are in a vehicle or not.

Airport: Creates Assault Helicopters and VTOLS, that players can buy using Prestige Points.Port: creates speed boats and hover craft (that is capable of going on land as well as sea), that players can buy using prestige points.Vehicle Factories: Creates vehicles (APCs, Tanks, etc.) that players can buy with prestige points (explained later). If the side also owns the prototype factory, singularity tanks and TAC tanks are producible, and the same sodehich are also capable of destroying the enemy base.Spawn zones: if captured players of the team who owns the zone can choose to respawn at that point, decreasing the time taken to get to an objective or redeploying forces if more people are needed.The more energy zones you capture, the faster your factories energy increases, until the prototype factory is capable of creating TAC guns which the only infantry weapon that can destroy the enemy base. This, however can only be accomplished by capturing a "Prototype Factory" which is powered by three "Alien energy zones" where a Ceph ship/scout has crashed. In this mode, the 32 players chose what team they want to be on (USA or KPA), with a cap of 16 players per side and then both teams are given the objective of completely destroying the others base. The vastly less popular mode, players are pitted against other players with only a pistol. Various weapons can be found around the map which can be picked up and used against the enemy.